Upcycle Those Pesky Plastic Bags!

Upcycle Those Pesky Plastic Bags!

Jessyratfink at Instructables has posted a tutorial to turn those plastic bags I normally throw out recycle into a really nice basket. So start saving our environment and create some nice baskets to store your crap kids’ toys and other miscellaneous things in!


Guess where I came across this tutorial? Hmmmm….you guessed it – Pinterest! Pinterest – you do know by now this is my all-time favorite site, right? Be sure to follow me to uncover other little gems like this one.  If you make a plastic bag basket, please share!

4 Responses to Upcycle Those Pesky Plastic Bags!

  1. Love this idea! I’m going to have to try that. I never know what to do with those bags besides save them for when I am cleaning out the litter box. That use sounds much better! And less smelly lol.

    •  @HomeJobsbyMOM lol I agree – I have been using them for the cat box as well!!! I want to do this one with my kids – teach them about upcycling and recycling.  What a great lesson!

      •  @kasesq94
         I do too! I just hope my son can be patient enough to do it. He gets a little antsy with things. But he loves projects so he may just enjoy it. I hope he does! I think it would be fun to do!

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