So I got my creative juices flowing today and decided to scrap some more of our Disney 2006 vacation (especially since Disney ’07 is right around the corner!). Scrapping Disney takes alot of energy because it is such an enormous project. I, of course, took a ton of pictures and they have to be edited etc. Thank God I wrote a synopsis of our vacation on the plane trip home. I am amazed at how much I forgot. Thats why it is so important to keep a journal – you have to write down the little things otherwise they tend to be lost forever.
So while the boys were downstairs trying to beat Scooby Doo on Xbox (well really Danny with Ryan heckling him – poor Danny!), I sat down, set up my little laptop table, hooked up my portable hard drives and went to work. I managed to bang out two pages – a Monsters Inc. page and a Face Painting Page. I used alot of new material I purchased from the Funky Playground and from Gina Miller (my favorite Long Island digiscrap designer).
I especially loved scrapping Monsters Inc. This was Matty’s favorite movie when he was 2 1/2 – right around the time Ryan was born. We watched this movie over and over again. I knew this movie by heart and Matty will still request it, on occasion, when we have a “camp out”.

The other big highlight of our Disney trip was the Star Wars aspect. This was definately the sleeper hit – Matty got picked twice for the Jedi Training Academy and so forever Star Wars dominated our vacation. He saw the face paining kiosk right after the Training Academy at MGM and we managed to get back there towards the end of the vacation so he could get his face painted like his favorite Sith Lord – Darth Maul. If only he had his Force FX double bladed Darth Maul lightsaber – he would have been complete.
So I didn’t quite put a dent in the project, but atleast I made a start!