I hate the phone. Did I mention that I HATE THE PHONE! I find chatting on the phone to be a colossal waste of time. I consider myself to be the “anti-female” – no hanging on the phone all day gossiping about…well…everyone. When my phone rings, I sigh with exasperation. When I was practicing, I made it clear to potential clients that they can IM, email, or text to contact me but don’t call and expect me to pick up the phone (at least I made it clear, right?). So when they would invariably call me and I didn’t answer (as I said I wouldn’t), they got the message. If you contact me electronically, you would get an instant answer or at least within the octave (as my mom would say). I sometimes had big client electronic conversations at 2am because half the time I can’t sleep anyway.
One of the nice things about electronic conversations is that it is in writing – there is a record (I know…the lawyer is rearing its ugly head). So you can’t misquote me and we avoid misunderstandings. You can’t tell me I said “A”, when “B” is right there in writing.
In actuality, I would prefer to talk in person over talking on the phone – isn’t that a switch right? Maybe it has to do with being able to give someone my undivided attention. If we are talking on the phone, I guarantee you I am doing a thousand other things (even if it is just picking at my toenails…TMI?) and I really don’t feel like hearing you ask me if I am doing something else. Of course I am doing something else! I’m always doing something else! If you feel the need to talk to me, then lets get together over coffee or take a walk so I can give you what you deserve – my full attention. Don’t we all deserve that at times? If it isn’t important enough to meet in person, text me. You will actually get a better response than holding me prisoner on the phone.
So that is my take on the texting thing – it is a wonderful, quick and painless way to communicate – I would be lost without my unlimited texting (believe you me I take full advantage of that!). So if you want to talk to me, TEXT!