Tag Archives: mornings

Coffee Catastrophe…AVERTED!

Coffee Catastrophe…AVERTED!

I, like most adults, must have my morning coffee.  MUST.  I have a Keurig machine to make the process of getting the caffeine into my bloodstream as easy as possible. Now, on occasion, I run out of the little K-Cups. That occasion occurred this morning.  I figured ok, no worries, I have that sampler box that came with the Keurig. I’ll just have to go down to the pantry in our basement (ugh another set of stairs to navigate???) , grab a K-Cup and be merrily on my way to my caffeinated high.  So I trudged downstairs, grabbed the box from the pantry and opened in in my kitchen:

By now, panic has set in.  What am I going to do? How am I going to even drive Matty to the bus stop? Think. Think. THINK!!!  Maybe one fell out onto the pantry floor that has some umpfh to it? Wait! Didn’t Santa put some K-Cup boxes under the tree for me? I think he did that wonderful, fat man (talking about Santa)! Praying I didn’t already use up my Santa stash, I trudged back down the stairs and peered into the dark recesses of the pantry.  Way in the back on the bottom of the shelf, I saw:

The Hard Stuff!!!!!!

Ahhhh!!!! Thank the Coffee Gods! Not only caffeinated but a nice, dark roast! The kind of coffee that, as my Dad would say, “will put hair on your chest”! Not that I want hair on my chest or have any but, yeah I know TMI.

Happy Friday everyone and hopefully if you need your caffeine infusion like I do, you got it on this lovely Friday!!!


The Magic of Miche