Author Archives: Kathleen

So the 4th of July this year fell on a Wednesday which stunk. The best days are Tuesday or Thursday because everyone tends to take the extra day, i.e. Monday or Friday depending on where the holiday falls. But this year, the 4th fell smack in the middle screwing everything up. I was happy we… Continue Reading

Summer Kickoff

Its been a while since I blogged – been hectic lately! It seems that the time between our trip to Disney and now has been a blur! Well I think part of the problem is that summer has shown up early this year. It was the first Memorial Day in years that it was so… Continue Reading

Today was the perfect day to not get out of the pyjamas. The only one who managed to get dressed and break ranks was Danny. So he got voted to go to Walbaums during this Nor’Easter – that will teach him! I am lucky I am even conscious considering I waltzed in the door at… Continue Reading

So I closed my office for Good Friday and took the day off to spend with the boys. I wasn’t too sure about my decision Thursday night when I came home to them in a major time out. I don’t know if the vacation time triggered it, but Matty was in a particularly evil frame… Continue Reading

Scrapping Disney

So I got my creative juices flowing today and decided to scrap some more of our Disney 2006 vacation (especially since Disney ’07 is right around the corner!). Scrapping Disney takes alot of energy because it is such an enormous project. I, of course, took a ton of pictures and they have to be edited… Continue Reading

Last week in review: HECTIC! Ryan adjusted to his new glasses like a pro! We never expected him to take to it so easily but once the glasses came on, he wanted to wear them all the time. Matty was an exceptional big brother and made a big fuss over Ryan – told him that… Continue Reading

Last Week in Review

Last week in review: HECTIC! Ryan adjusted to his new glasses like a pro! We never expected him to take to it so easily but once the glasses came on, he wanted to wear them all the time. Matty was an exceptional big brother and made a big fuss over Ryan – told him that… Continue Reading

So, it’s Monday and I am hoping it is going to be a better week than last week. This week we get Ryan’s new glasses to correct the astigmatism we still can’t quite believe he has. Talk about coming out of left field – you could have knocked me over with a feather when the… Continue Reading

Ryan’s New Glasses

So, it’s Monday and I am hoping it is going to be a better week than last week. This week we get Ryan’s new glasses to correct the astigmatism we still can’t quite believe he has. Talk about coming out of left field – you could have knocked me over with a feather when the… Continue Reading

Mercury in Retrograde

So I have had a run of crappy luck these last couple of days. Back in the late 90s when we had plenty of time on our hands, Felicia and I would notice that when bad and funky things kept happening, Mercury would be in retrograde. Sure enough, I checked the cosmic calendar and good… Continue Reading

The Magic of Miche