Author Archives: Kathleen

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

There is just something special about a 3 day weekend – its just plain luxurious. Come Sunday, you realize that “Wow! I actually have another day off and it feels like Saturday”. Monday kinda stinks though because it is really Sunday. Another bonanza – a short work week. It is really fantastic on many different… Continue Reading

Fun Weekend

So after a busy work week (I barely made it home on time one or two nights – one I came home at 8:30pm), we were going upstate to my in-laws house in Pound Ridge, NY for a barbecue. The Kings were invited – this is the family that they have been friends with for… Continue Reading

Fun in the Land of Chocolate

So I am blogging from the Great State of Pennsylvania (a nod to “Dumb & Dumber” to those of you who subscribe to stupid movies like I do). We are ensconced in the Hershey Hotel overlooking Hershey Park. Danny remarked how much this hotel reminds him of the Shining – big old, historic hotel (glad… Continue Reading

Block Party on Pearsall Place

So yesterday we went to Deana’s block party and had a fantastic time. Danny & I remember from our respective childhoods about having block parties and the different attractions that would be there from the whip to swings and pirate ships. Unfortunately, our current block is fairly dull and there has been no block parties… Continue Reading

Guitar Hero II Rocks Our House!

So we hit Toys R Us on Saturday for a little free for all. Actually, the main reason we went was so that Matty could buy yet another bubble lawn mower. He has had several and worn them all out. Nevermind that the bubble lawn mower is for toddlers, Matty had to own one again… Continue Reading

Bumper Bowling

So yesterday being a crappy, rainy day and half the people in the NY Metro area not going to work, why should I buck the system??? So I took the day off and went bowling with the kids. We tried to go to our usual bowling alley in Baldwin but alas, an orthodox Jewish boys… Continue Reading

Friday the 13th – LOOK OUT!!!!

I am not particularly superstitious but the combination of Friday the 13th sure makes me alert. I get a daily horoscope from and a Daily Forecast. Today’s Daily Forecast starts off like this: “Strange forces are on the prowl as a powerful New Moon in the sign of Cancer approaches exactitude.” Great – I… Continue Reading

Nicky’s Wedding

I created this slideshow of a wedding we recently attended at the Manhattan Loft in NYC. It was hosted by the King family – little Nicky got married! My in-laws, Donna & Bobby were there with us and we had a great time. So nice to go to a fabulous party as a guest –… Continue Reading

Another hot day on board for us on Long Island. Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Oakwood Beach Club – it was perfect! Matty & Ryan had a blast swimming in the pool with Emily. Matty and Tommy had a cannonball contest. Emily had her first brown bonnet ice cream – it is an… Continue Reading

The Magic of Miche