Happy Labor Day Weekend!

There is just something special about a 3 day weekend – its just plain luxurious. Come Sunday, you realize that “Wow! I actually have another day off and it feels like Saturday”. Monday kinda stinks though because it is really Sunday. Another bonanza – a short work week. It is really fantastic on many different levels! It was the weekend of pear cider for me though – so totally hooked on it! Goes down smooth and easy – very yummy and buzzy lol:

My kids went up to my in-laws again for more swimming and mowing. We went up Sunday for a Labor Day BBQ. My parents went also which was great. We all hung out, ate junk (love junk – cheese, sopressata, chips and such) and the boys turned into their usual fishy selves and barely left the water. So great to see Ryan swimming and no longer needing his swim vest. The only downer (and only for a little while) was when Matty slipped on the diving board and fell. The surface on the diving board is sandy – rough texture for a better grip but not very kind to skin. He got a nice scrape on his leg and various abrasions on his chest and arms. He cried quietly – you can tell he is at that age he doesn’t want to cry in front of anyone cause he is now a little man. We got him back into the water because of course the chlorine is good for wounds. He stayed away from the diving board though.

Here is a picture of Matty diving right in:

and Ryan coming down the slide:

Danny made a great dinner of pesto shrimp, sausage and broccoli over penne, along with fresh tuna from Geri and Ed. I actually challenged my mother to a game of scrabble (one of her favorites – she is a pro) and she beat me. I just do not remember the two letter words anymore so she definitely had me at a disadvantage. My mom and I used to play all the time when I first got married and even when Matty was a baby but of course as life got more hectic and they moved out east, those games became a rarity. My parents left as it was getting dark because they had a long ride home. We stayed over so we could relax and drive home Monday morning.

Monday we left Westchester mid morning and sped on home. The kids headed right for the basement to satisfy their video game fix (Ratatouille and Curious George are the hits of the moment). I passed out on the couch for a nice, quick power nap and Danny followed after me. So I played some games with the kids – Pop Up Pirate and Air Hockey. Once I was rested enough, Matty and I went to Baldwin Harbor Park to rollerblade (Matty rode his bike). It is not often that I get to spend alone time with Matty. He is just maturing way too fast for me! It was a nice, relaxing day for this family – a great way to end the summer.

Here is a fantastic picture of Ryan from Sunday:

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