Monthly Archives: March 2012

Sometimes We Would Like to Strangle Them and Then They Go Do Something Like This

Sometimes We Would Like to Strangle Them and Then They Go Do Something Like This

While non-parents may be horrified, I consider beating the crap out of my kids on an almost daily basis. One is hitting puberty and thinks that not only his snotty attitude is actually “comedic” but that I am his personal assistant. The other one chucks his teeth when asked to do homework, constantly leaves my basement floor full of lego pieces which I invariably step on EVERY DAY.  Ever step on a lego barefoot???? They are lucky they have not yet been maimed.

We had a particularly rough night with Ginger (Matt has auburn hair) and his inability to focus on anything but the opposite sex.

Ginger has girls on the brain

To make matters worse, Ginger and I missed the bus this morning.  So now I have to drive him all the way up to Kellenberg…in traffic.  If you live on Long Island, the parkways are a disaster from 7 am on.  I also had to wake up Ran who was not very happy about the situation.  He demanded that I go away and leave him home.  I can’t do that – he is 9. So, slow as molasses, he eats breakfast and gets dressed. Now the drive to Kellenberg has turned into a game of “Beat the Clock” and I am careening around corners and flying up the Meadowbrook.  If he is “tardy”, they give detention and I was damned if I was gonna traipse up there again today! Ginger fished a pieces of loose leaf and a pen out of his backpack so I could draft a note on the fly if we were going to be late.  Thankfully, we pulled into the parking lot in the nick of time and I shoved him out the door (I did come to a stop first).  Ryan and I got home rather quickly, I got his lunch together and took him to Meadow.

When I got back in my truck to go home and turn myself into a human being, I found this on the car seat:

Now I’m gonna have to bake brownies or something. Dagnamit!!!!!



Only My Kid!

Only My Kid!

Going somewhere or doing anything with Ryan can be quite an adventure – you just never know what he is likely to do. Ryan marches to the beat of his own drum and doesn’t worry about social norms and mores (for the most part). One “Ryan Adventure” that we still laugh about was the first… Continue Reading

Upcycle Those Pesky Plastic Bags!

Upcycle Those Pesky Plastic Bags!

Jessyratfink at Instructables has posted a tutorial to turn those plastic bags I normally throw out recycle into a really nice basket. So start saving our environment and create some nice baskets to store your crap kids’ toys and other miscellaneous things in!   Guess where I came across this tutorial? Hmmmm….you guessed it –… Continue Reading

Coffee Catastrophe…AVERTED!

Coffee Catastrophe…AVERTED!

I, like most adults, must have my morning coffee.  MUST.  I have a Keurig machine to make the process of getting the caffeine into my bloodstream as easy as possible. Now, on occasion, I run out of the little K-Cups. That occasion occurred this morning.  I figured ok, no worries, I have that sampler box… Continue Reading

No Photo Is Better Left Untouched!

No Photo Is Better Left Untouched!

Most photographs, even professional ones, can benefit from some retouching.  Some need to be put through a thorough workflow to correct white balance, exposure issues or some may just need little tweaks here and there.  Lightroom and Photoshop offer a myriad of ways to correct problems and allow photographers to be creative with their photos.… Continue Reading

Disney Here We Come!

Disney Here We Come!

I came across this picture on Pinterest, and it reminded me that in a few short weeks, we will be enjoying our 2012 Disney vacation.  We missed it last year as DH was not working (skipping a year wasn’t necessarily a bad thing either), but we have gone religiously since Matty was 3. Matty &… Continue Reading

The Magic of Miche